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Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site Risk Assessment and Risk Management Promotion Project for 2010

To continue strengthening risk assessment and promoting risk management for contaminated sites, this project is making an inventory of all the sites that are possibly suitable for adapting risk management measures. Then, this project is providing 6 sessions of guidance and counselling meetings addressing to the local environmental competent authorities and parties that are liable for contamination. Finally, 1 contaminated site is selected to conduct risk assessment and provide risk management recommendations for the purposes of demonstrating and promoting site management utilizing risk assessment concepts. Since there’s an urgent need for risk communication between various interested parties, this project analyzes risk communication methods and case studies from different countries and is also holding a series of training courses in order to elevate competent authorities’ communication abilities. Additionally, this project assists in completing parameters for the ecological risk assessment guidance and also assists developing the protocol for conducting sediment risk assessment. As for the regulation and administrative side, this project has provided recommendation for amending current health risk assessment protocols, control plan drafting guidelines, improving plan reviewing efficiency and has assisted in the running of the soil and groundwater health risk assessment platform.
Risk Management, Contaminated Site Management, Risk Communication, Risk Assessment